FINANCIALS The HMC Board operates under the premise that its primary role is one of oversight, leadership, direction, and policy setting. Through regular quarterly meetings and communications, the HMC Board helps ensure eective organizational planning and sees that the organization’s resources are well managed. The Board determines the extent of the organization’s activities on an annual basis. Based on this, the Board develops, implements, and monitors a feasible plan sucient to generate the revenue required to implement the approved activity plan. In doing this, the Board answers four basic questions: Based on past experience and close communication with current and potential funding sources, what is the amount of revenue AIFEC can reasonably expect to receive on a short and mid-term basis? What can be done with that amount of revenue? What nancial benchmarks need to be met in order to expand to additional schools and community centres? What level of program can be oered in the event that revenue targets are not reached?
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