Make a Donation Donation Information: If available, please use this donation for: Summer Music Band Camp Instruments Instruction Jambassador Band Program Whatever Needs Funding Other Purchase an instrument for a child: -- please select -- $150 - Provide a child with a guitar $200 - Provide a child with a keyboard $250 - Provide a child with a violin $350 - Provide a child with a cello $400 - Provide a child with a trumpet My Donation Amount: $ I wish to set a meeting to discuss other donation options and/or tailored donation programs This donation is in memorium In Memory of: Send acknowledgment to (optional): Name: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: This donation is in honour of someone In Honour of: Send acknowledgment to (optional): Name: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Payment Intervals: One time donation I wish to review my donation annually Your Information: First Name: Last Name: Organization: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Email Address: Phone Number: Next Donate Make a Donation Donate an Instrument Become a Monthly Donor Hold a Fundraising Event Volunteer Opportunities Donate Securities