Welcome to the An Instrument for Every Child (AIFEC) Program!

Dear Parents/Caregivers:

We are excited to tell you about a free music program at your child's school! We believe that all children should have the chance to learn about music and play an instrument!

Who we Are: (Click to expand)

The Hamilton Music Collective is a group of people who want to give children a chance to grow through music. They do this by giving free music lessons all year long in Hamilton's inner-city schools and community centres through a program called An Instrument for Every Child (AIFEC). Classes begin at the end of September or the first week of October.

What we Do: (Click to expand)

The AIFEC program provides free, excellent music education by qualified AIFEC music instructors. The program adds to the school's music program and doesn't replace it. AIFEC helps young people feel good about themselves, feel successful, and become strong leaders and team players! The program is funded through the generous support of local businesses, individuals, foundations, and the City of Hamilton, who all believe in the importance of music education.

How it Works:

Year 1: (Click to expand) Grade 1 children are introduced to many musical instruments by an AIFEC instructor. They get 30-40 minutes of music lessons every week in their school classroom. Also, professional musicians visit the students in their classrooms to perform and teach about different musical instruments. At the end of Grade 1, your child can choose a musical instrument they want to learn how to play. They are given three choices and we do our best to give them their first choice.

Year 2: (Click to expand) Grade 2 children will get an instrument to take home and use for free while they are in the AIFEC program until grade 4. They get 40 minutes of music lessons in small groups during a nutrition break at school, or after school/in the evening in the community, such as at the Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club or the HMC Centre.

Years 3 and 4: (Click to expand) Children in grades 3 and 4 continue with their music lessons. As they learn more skills, other chances like playing in an orchestra, a band or a string ensemble will be available!

At the end of the school year, AIFEC plans concerts so the children can proudly show what they have learned to their parents, teachers and program supporters.

We look forward to working with your child and making wonderful music together!


Astrid Hepner
AIFEC Program Director
CEO/Hamilton Music Collective

Please register your child for the AIFEC Program and complete the following:
